FGW committees

FGW committees

The main task of FGW is the development and publication of Technical Guidelines TG for Wind Turbines. The content of the Technical Guidelines is constantly revised by a respective technical committee based on state-of-the-art technology. There are currently seven different technical committees (TC) that work on different areas and Technical Guidelines.

The technical committees are further divided into working groups and consist of a balanced number of representatives from all relevant stakeholders. The members of the technical committees are generally also members of FGW. Each technical committee is represented to externals by a chairman.

Overview technical committees

TC Noise - Technical Committee Noise

TC PP - Technical Committee Power Performance

TC EC - Technical Committee Electrical Characteristics

TC WP - Technical Committee Wind Potential

TC MA - Technical Committee Maintenance

TC EMC - Technical Committee Electromagnetic Compatibility

TC OS - Technical Committee Operating Data & Site Yield

IG - Interest Group Airborne Wind Energy

¹ staffing of TG 8 – SWGs are elected in WG TG 8
² the staffing of “Meeting of the Certification Bodies” as well as the BDEW-approved staff are reserved by accredited bodies according to ISO 17065
³ the WG Reference Yield is reserved for the representatives of the responsible ministries of the VDMA, BWE, BDEW, the FGW and the FGW TC Power Performance in accordance with an association agreement
⁴ further interest group-specific groups can be founded ad hoc as needed
⁵ for accredited as testing laboratory or inspection body
⁶ body exclusively for representatives of associations and BMWi
⁷ three out of six participants from WG TG 8 firmly nominated
⁸ participants elected for a fixed term by WG TG 8

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