

Independent measuring laboratories can emphasise the quality of their work by the use of a conformity seal. The seal is applied at the bottom of the test report (or excerpt from the test report).

An example design of a conformity seal for the power curve testing area is shown below:

Requirements for testing laboratories that wish to show the conformity seal

Anforderungen TR 1 und TR 2

Anforderungen TR 3

Anforderungen TR 9 (in Kürze)


Independent testing laboratories that fulfil the conditions for FGW conformity are listed in the table below. Here, the maximum period of validity of FGW conformity is assigned to each testing laboratory for the corresponding testing area:

  • Maximal validity of the FGW conformity

  • Messinstitut Inspektionsstelle
    TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 7
    Deutsche WindGuard GmbH 2024 2024 2024
    Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore und Consulting GmbH 2022, Dakks
    Enertrag WindStrom GmbH gültig ab 05.10.2020, Dakks
    EWS Consulting GmbH 2024
    DNV Energy Systems Germany GmbH 2024 2024
    Ingenieurbüro Dr. Frey 2024
    M.O.E. GmbH 2024
    Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH 2024
    UL International GmbH (DEWI) 2024 2024
    Sweco Denmark A/S 2024
    WIND-consult GmbH 2024 2024 2024
    windtest grevenbroich GmbH 2024 2024 2024
    Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG 2024

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