The DEEP system, currently under development, will provide fast retrieval of data relevant for emergency response teams and fire brigades operating on decentralized power plants like Wind Turbine Generators, ground-mounted Solar, or Biomass Power Plants. After an accident occurs – plant failure or even personnel injury on site – rescue coordination centers can access maps to the location and site-specific information, for an efficient and immediate deployment of emergency responders.
DEEP is based off the German “Windenergieanlagen-Notfall-Informations-System”[en] (WEA-NIS), that offers the aforementioned services for Wind Turbine Generators (WTG). Currently there are more than 18,000 turbines registered in the system, covering almost 65% of German onshore WTGs. All registered emergency coordination centres are automatically assigned to the plants via their NUTS/LAU area code and have free access to the respective information.
The plants registered with the WEA-NIS will be ported automatically to the follow-up system without cost to the operators.
Product safety notifications are automatically and discreetly distributed to all affected plant operators as soon as a component defect is detected.
The severity of the alerts are to be reviewed and evaluated by an independent control committee of experts before forwarding them to the operator. Product safety messages (PSMs) issued by manufacturers will be collected and assigned centrally.
Contact us, if you have any questions regarding the DEEP-system, or wish to stay informed about the progress of the project. For operators of German Wind Turbine Generators we offer to register the Turbines in the current emergency system, from which they are ported automatically to the DEEP upon deployment!
This project is funded by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.
Funding reference: 37889/01–24