Technical Guidelines
FGW (founded in 1985) began the development of technical guidelines in 1992 with the aim of establishing measurement procedures by which reliable and comparable data for wind energy plants can be determined. FGW has since represented the state of the art of these measurements by regularly revising the technical guidelines as needed.
Measurements procedures have been developed in three different areas: power curve measurements, noise emissions and electrical characteristics which are used as the basis for technical evaluations of wind power plants that are relevant to:
- Federal emission control allowance concerning noise emissions (TR 1)
- Economics of Wind Turbines and yield estimation (TR 2)
- Grid connection allowance and electrical characteristics (TR 3)
The guidelines of the International Energy Agency (IEA) that have been established since the 1980s have left a lot of grey areas related to measurements and their evaluation. FGW guidelines, on the other hand, aim to establish transparent requirements and produce biunique results in which the measured data and the measuring body are independent of each other.
Measurements according to FGW can be carried out by all qualified measurement bodies. A report is typically prepared for the measurement which summarises the results in accordance with the requirements laid down by the Technical Guidelines.
The following list shows which revision of the individual Technical Guidelines is currently valid: